1. What can Counselling &/or hypnotherapy help?
Counselling and hypnotherapy can help with a wide range of issues and below is a list of the most common problems that Glenda’s clients present.
*If you have been diagnosed or suspect you may have one of the medical conditions marked with a star above, you should consult your GP for advice, diagnosis and treatment and always inform your health professional before starting any alternative or additional therapies or treatments.
2. How long is a session?
Each session will be 50 minutes, unless you are coming for hypnotherapy to “stop smoking” in which case the session is 2 hour 30 minutes.
3. What happens at the initial consultation?
This session is for you to meet Glenda and for her to understand what your goals are from the therapy. It is also an opportunity for her to provide you with all the information you need about your sessions. This will include matters such as:
• The anticipated number of sessions required, if appropriate;
• Costs;
• Policy for late or missed appointments;
• Contact information.
A key part of the success will be you being comfortable and feeling able to work with Glenda and she you, so the initial consultation is designed to help you make your decision.
4. How many sessions will I need?
This is something that will be discussed and agreed with Glenda and will depend on the nature of your problem. Some issues can be dealt with in just a few sessions, whilst others may a more extended amount of time, however your needs will be constantly reviewed.
5. How much does it cost?
Current fees can be found on the Fees tab.
6. What if I fall asleep during hypnosis?
The deep relaxation of hypnosis is not the same as being asleep, however if you do go into sleep that is fine. Glenda is aware of this possibility and will be able to gently return you to either a fully conscious state or back into the hypnotic trance.
7. Can you get stuck under hypnosis?
No, it is not possible to be “stuck under hypnosis” if you were left without therapist intervention (which would never happen) you would naturally return to consciousness, after your lovely hypnotic rest.
8. I find it really hard to stay still and relax, will this be a problem is I have hypnosis?
This is a common problem so nothing to be concerned about, everyone is different and you will find your own way, with the guided assistance of Glenda who is skilled to manage this type of problem.
9. Can hypnotherapy be used on children?
Yes, hypnosis can be safely used on children, although permission will be required from a parent or guardian.
10. What happens if I miss or can’t make an appointment?
Glenda will explain the policy regarding late or missed appointments in the initial consultation and it will also be in the contract you'll receive to act as a reminder.
11. How do I know Glenda is properly qualified?
You will see on the website that Glenda is an accredited member of National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society, which is higher than basic registration. You are able to visit their site and check the registration. Membership can only be gained after appropriate training and examination on an approved course, and to obtain accreditation further evidence of experience and appropriate ethical working has to be provided.